
“I run all high end McIntosh gear. McIntosh C-49 Preamp, 2 McIntosh 300 Watt MC-830 Monoblocks, 2 Focal Scala Eutopia Evo Speakers. I do NOT have a McIntosh Tuner as I, Dennis D, believe Tuners are for pheasants. I can’t believe McIntosh would make something as LOW END as a Tuner. I only play Vinyl Records, and they MUST be Ultrasonic Cleaned on my High End Clearaudio Double Matrix Professional Sonic Vinyl Cleaner before EACH play, NO exceptions. I ONLY play my Records on my High End VPI Industries Titan Turntable, which is the most expensive part of my system, it’s even more expensive than my 2 Focal Scala Eutopia Evo Speakers combined. The second most expensive part of my High End McIntosh 2 Channel Stereophonic System is the Speaker Cables. My Speaker Cables are Kimber Kable Select KS 6068 that I run from my High End McIntosh MC-830 Monoblocks, to my High End Focal Scala Eutopia Evo Speakers. My High End Kimber Kable Select KS 6068 Speaker Cables are also elevated off of the ground to reduce vibration interference as well as any possible electrical interference. The Speaker Cable Elevation Blocks are UEF Carbon Performance Elevators. In addition to reduced vibration and elimination of possible electrical interference, the UEF Carbon Performance Elevators will hive me smoother Low End Bass, more refined Mid Range and non-fatiguing Highs. I don’t use ANY sort of digital media as I believe digital media is for the pheasants. What types of HIGH END gear do you guys run? I don’t believe true Hi Fidelity is possible for under 200,000 dollars. Facts are facts. I wanted a separate electrical service just for my High End Stereophonic Sound System, but settled with a sub panel with a dedicated circuit for each piece of gear. The Preamplifier, each Monoblock, my VPI Industries Titan Turntable all have their own 20 amp circuit with an isolation transformer (120 volts to 120 volts) for clean power. If you are not serious about your sound and if you don’t have at least 150,000 to 200,000 dollars invested in your Sound Systems, don’t even try to talk to me about music. I KNOW what sounds good, and medoocre gear under 150,000 dollars is NOT IT, in my humble opinion. Even my turntable weight was 4500 dollars and is by far the cheapest part of my High End Stereophonic System. I think it also important to mention that I listen strictly to Classical and Jazz music, nothing else as only Classical and Jazz recordings offer true High Fidelity Sound. Pleasure to meet you, if you are into HIGH END audio gear like me. Really looking forward to conversing with other True Audiophiles who are into only the BEST equipment like myself.”